Paper City 6 with T junction
This small plot with houses is made with three paper houses, paper roads, and one intersection (T junction). Paper House Template is used to create a 3D paper house playground very quickly and easily. This mini paper city is made for creating a space to play with, similar to a real-world space.
The templates are available in a variety of designs, from complex 3D paper houses to minimalist ones.

Our Paper Houses help develop creativity in kids and can be used by people who enjoy simple craft work with paper. The templates are perfect for school aged kids that want to play or for school projects.
Try this small intersection made from paper templates now!
Download from below the houses and roads for this project:
Papercraft House Modern Red 02 download:
Papercraft House Modern Yellow 03 download:
Papercraft House Modern 06 download :
Road and House base Template 03:
T Junction Road intersection 01 :
So download, print and play !
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