3D Paper house templates
4 Templates for Paper Houses you can print, cut and play! These templates of Paper houses are very simple to use. Maybe for a school project or just for play with your kid and metal toy cars. It’s an easy, creative project for kids to make a paper house for playing with cars like in real life. This is a modern house template with simple colours.
Unlimited use: after you download the templates, you can print on color printer as many as you want for Your own Paper city ! More houses will make an entire street and maybe a small town for play. Check the roads and streets templates to download for a more realistic 3D Paper City .

4 Templates of Paper houses

Download from below the templates (by color):
Papercraft House Modern Green 05 download
Papercraft House Modern Blue 04 download
Papercraft House Modern Yellow 03 download
Papercraft House Modern Red 02 download
Download now the templates and make your own Paper City !

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